Welcome! Laus in Ecclesia is designed as a correspondence course.

To get the most out of the instruction contained in the manual you will want to do the exercises and the homework assignments at the end of each of the fifteen lessons. To access the audio samples to help with the exercises, click here

How the correspondence course works:
The homework assignments are given at the end of each chapter of the Laus in Ecclesia level one manual. The student must do them in order and submit one assignment at a time.
• The assignments may be done on the computer and uploaded through the course page. To do them this way, login to your account and submit your assignments through the course page.
• The assignments can again be done on paper, scanned and sent as files to your corrector. Follow the same procedure as previous, for submitting through the course page.
• Finally, the assignments can be done on paper and sent in the mail. In this case, send an email to webmaster.lausinecclesia@gmail.com to obtain the address of your corrector; include with each assignment a stamped envelope in which to send back the corrected assignment. When you have received back your previous assignment and looked it over, you may submit the next assignment.
At the end of the correspondence course, the student may take the test to obtain the certificate for Laus in Ecclesia level one. The matter of the test can be found here. Arrangements can be made to take the test by meeting one of the correctors or through Google Meet. All the homework assignments of level one must be completed before taking the test. Those who pass the test will obtain a certificate showing they have successfully completed the Laus in Ecclesia level one course.

The manual

Evidently, to follow the correspondence course, the student will have to have purchased the book. To do so right now, click the link here.


Also available for the serious student is a series of videos, one for each chapter of the level one manual, plus an introductory video and a concluding video. The content of these videos covers the material found in the manual: the instructions, the exercises, the homework assignments, and, in a more summary way, the excursus. Access to these videos is free; however, a donation for access to these videos is requested. Click here to make a donation. Sign-up to view the videos after you have made your donation.


Grading fees to have level one assignments corrected are $100. Please fill out the grading form on the course page and send your check to your corrector at:

Laus in Ecclesia Homework

280 Gooseberry Drive

Reno, NV 89523

Laus in Ecclesia, level two

The second level manual for the three-level Laus in Ecclesia program will be appearing in the first months of 2024. Its publication will be announced on the Laus in Ecclesia website. Students wishing to submit homework for the second level should follow the same procedure as that outlined above for the first level.
